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供应PVC围油栏、PVC夹网围油栏、浮子式围油栏 Supply pvc oil boom,pvc fabric oil containment boom,float oil boom
PVC围油栏 PVC oil boom 是一种经济通用型围油栏,特别适用于近岸平静水域溢油和其他漂浮物的拦截控 制,可长期固定布放,已被广泛应用于内陆污染物排放入口处、河流、港湾、湖泊和近海石油钻井平台等水域。 PVC oil boom is a kind of economic and universal oil boom, especially suitable for control the offshore calm waters oil spill and other floater interception .It can be long-term fixed , has been widely applied in inland river pollutant entrance, harbor, lakes and offshore oil drilling platform, etc 特点:features: 1.色彩鲜艳、美观、耐油、抗晒、浮力储备大、滞油性能强。 bright in color, artistic, oil resistance, sunshine resistance, big reserve buoyancy, powerfuloleostasisproperty 2.主要采用PVC双面涂层高强防水布。栏体上、中、下各有拉绳、加强带和拉力配重链作为纵向受力构件,栏体抗拉性能高。外表光洁,利于导油、便于清洗。 It mainly uses high-intensive double PVC coated waterproof cloth. The bar, which have leashes in top, center and bottom, strengthen joint-strip and tensile stress components as a counterweight chain longitudinal tensile properties. Smooth appearance, convenient to guide oil, easy to clean. 3.性能价格比优。 the optimal cost-effective 4.有不同形状浮体可选择:水滴形(不倒翁形)在急流中更稳定;圆柱形有更大浮力储备,乘波性更好;块状浮体储存体积小,与卷绕机配合布放更迅速省力。 Supply many different patterns : water drop shape(tumbler shape)is most steady in torrent;cylinder-shaped have bigger reserve buoyancy and is good at ride function; massive floating shape have a small volume and it is easily and quickly to fixed. 5.每30米一节,节与节之间连接方便快捷。 Every 30 meters a joint, with convenient connection between the joints.
浮子式加强型PVC围油栏由PVC双面人造革制成栏体,价廉,但使用寿命不如橡胶围油栏长,适用于河港水域,按围油栏最大高度分类,PVC围油栏分为PLGW-750型、PLGW-900型、PLGW-1100型等。 固体浮子式PVC围油栏特点: 采双面涂覆色彩鲜艳PVC的高强度布制作,耐油、抗晒、适用寿命长。 固体浮子浮力储备大,乘波性好, 垂直稳定,滞油能力强。 栏体上、中、下各有拉绳、加强带和拉力配重链作为纵向受力构件。 栏体抗拉性能高。外表 光洁,利于导油并易于清洗。
PVC围油栏 固体浮子式围油栏 是经济通用型围油栏,适用于溢油或漂浮物的拦截和控制,广泛应用于排污口、河流、港湾和石油钻井平台等水域,可长期固定布放。 特点:1)采用双面色彩鲜艳的PVC高强防水布制作而成,美观、耐油、抗晒,使用寿命长、外表光洁。利于导油,便于清洗; 2)固体浮子浮力大,乘波性好,垂直稳定,且滞油能力强,栏体上中下各有拉绳,加强带和拉力配重链作为纵向受力构件,抗拉性能高; 3)性价比优。 |